Left Owls Head Bay in the thick o’fog at 0600 this morning. It was clear and almost bright when we arrived yesterday afternoon. A big fish farming operation (salmon and trout) is in the Bay. We came to near miss it on our way out this morning. We have an 80 plus mile day to Port Howe but with fickle West winds between 3 and 9, we are motoring at 7.5 knots. Though the Main is up, its just so we provide a bigger radar target as its flopping back and forth on the preventer as the wind clocks in four directions. Still on Plan B with a day trip to Port Howe today and another to Louisbourg tomorrow (only 60 odd miles). We are using the time to practice our fog-sailing skills. At 0845 we expect no real lifting until this afternoon. It’s only getting denser and wetter now. Nova Scotia is so beautiful, the fog insures that you don’t become jaded by looking at it too much.
[Tess] 6:30 pm EST now (7:30 Nova Scotia time) and we’re tucked into a harbor even more remote than Owl’s Head Bay. Osprey calling, heron on shore, the smell of Balsam Fir as it’s supposed to scent the air, naturally, sweetly, softly. We pulled in to this port an hour ago and the fog is now beginning to occlude all the scenery, but the harbor seals are still at play and the feeling of being right with the universe is at hand, as is a glass of scotch and a tumbler of George’s discovery – Espresso Vodka! Showers are steaming the day’s work out of folks, alcohol is letting the blood pump back a bit, and dinner is in the oven. Nothin’ wrong with this!
[George] Another great day on the water, is there any other? I’m not turning wrenches in 96 degree heat, can’t beat it. Leaving Owl’s Head Bay in the fog was surreal. The sun actually looked like another planet. The fog always seeming to tease; lifting, burying, lifting. Finally clearing into a beautiful day. This tiny little cove is awesome, one shore house spotted. Talk about isolation this is it. I see why they call this The Forgotten Coast.
[Tim] We did see something today, lots and lots of nothing.
Nothing in the morning because the fog was so thick it dripped on us.
Not a thing coming into this great anchorage because no one lives here.
I love what I’m seeing, but I can’t wait to see Paula.
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